Leeds United: 2023/24 Season Stats

About lufcdata.com
This is a website dedicated to the numbers behind Leeds United which was built and is run by Chris Taylor.
Since 2012, I have been building a database with the aim of recording every Leeds player and competitive match played. I have finally managed to translate everything I have researched into a free website for fans, journalists and anyone wishing to learn more about Leeds United.
LUFCDATA.COM is a result of years of hard work collating information on Leeds United which involved countless hours of research using books, videos, DVDs, newspapers, archives, websites and help from friends.
I've been fortunate enough to have been able to provide data for various organisations, coaches, journalists and podcasts, and have provided data for Leeds United, the Yorkshire Evening Post, BBC Radio Leeds, Leeds United Live and PlaymakerStats.
Please feel free to use any data on the site but if you could reference ‘LUFCDATA’ and help spread the word that would be very much appreciated. This website is not affiliated with Leeds United Football Club. This is an educational website that does not profit financially.
I would like to dedicate this website to my wife Veronica, who has been unbelievably supportive throughout the whole process, and my amazing dad who I have to thank for ensuring I support the greatest football club in the world. A big thanks too to the superb Andrew 'Stats' Dalton or @lufcstats who has been a huge help with cross-referencing numbers and figures.
I have done my very best to ensure all the data and information is correct, and I will be constantly adding information and verifying everything, but if you have spotted any errors amongst the many thousands of data points please get in touch at lufcdata@gmail.com
or drop me a message below.