Leeds United: 2023/24 Season Stats

Leeds Performance Numbers Since 2018/19
Below is a performance record of Leeds United's league and play-off matches since the start of the 2018/19 season. You can sort through the data and compare our expected goals and possession share. Here you will also find goals scored, goals conceded, chances created, big chances created, shots, shots on-target, shots against, chances faced and big chances faced.
You can filter through the data using the 'Stat Search' tab.

Data collated for Leeds United in Championship, play-off and Premier League matches only since the start of the 2018/19 season.
S - Season
Div - Division
# - Game number
Opponent - Opponent
V - Venue
Res - Result
F - Goals for
A - Goals against
CS - Clean sheet
P% - Possession share
SF - Shots for
SA - Shots against
SOT - Shots on-target
SOTF - Shots on-target faced
CC - Chances created
CA - Chances against
BCF - Big chances for
BCA - Big chances against
CKF - Corner Kicks For
CKA - Corner Kicks Against
Leeds Saves - Leeds goalkeeper saves
xG - Expected goals
xA - Expected goals against